In this post we will be discussing about various different types of Neurotransmitters and their Receptors.
1.Ligand Gated- Ionotropic Receptor
2. Metabotropic- G-Protein Coupled Receptor
Some Important Terms
1.Neurotransmitters(NT)- Excitation or Inhibition of post-synaptic terminal
1a. Small Molecule NT - Glutamate, GABA, Glycine, Acetylcholine, Nor Epinephrine, Epinephrine, Dopamine, Serotonin.
1b. Large Molecule NT- Substance P, Enkephalin, Vasopressin
2.Neoromodulators- chemicals released released by neurons, modify the effect of neurotransmitters.
3.Auto Receptor- Presynaptic Receptor
4. IPSP-Inhibitory Post Synaptic Potential
5. EPSP - Excitatory Post Synaptic Potential
7. NMDAR- N-Methyl D- Aspartate Receptor
8. IP3-Ionositol Triphosphate
9. DAG-diacylglycerol
Major inhibitory neuron in the brain.
1. GABA(A)
- ionotropic receptor
- causes increased Chloride in post synaptic membrane
- causes IPSP
2. GABA(B)
- causes increased IP3,DAG in post synaptic membrane
- Increase K+, Decrease Ca++
- Retina
- ionotropic receptor
- causes increased Chloride in post synaptic membrane
- causes IPSP
Agonists of GABA- Benzodiazepines, Barbiturates, Phenobarbital, enhance GABA(A) and inhibit AMPA
Main excitatory NT in brain and spinal cord.
1. Ionotropic- AMPA( increase Na+, Decrease K+)
NMDAR(increase Na+, Decrease K+, increase Ca++)
2. Metabotropic-
mGluR1- Increase IP3,DAG
Decrease K+, increase Ca++
mGluR5- Increase IP3,DAG
Decrease K+, increase Ca++
mGluR2, mGluR3- decrease cAMP ,
Increase K+, decrease Ca++
mGluR4,mGluR6, mGluR7-decrease cAMP ,
decrease Ca++
#Glycine binding to NMDAR is essential for Glutamate binding.
#NMDAR blocked by Mg2+ , removed by AMPA
# EPSP induced activation is slow for NMDAR
#In hippocampus NMDAR increase involved in memory
#Dysregulation of brain levels of mGluR5 has been linked to neurological disorders including schizophrenia, major depression disorder and autism.
location- Neuromuscular Junction, in autonomic ganglia, postganglionic parasympathetic nerve target organ junctions and some post ganglionic sympathetic nerve target junctions.
Released by all neurons that exit CNS.
1. Nicotinic(Ionotropic) Receptors- increase Na+ in postsynaptic membrane
Neuromuscular Junction(Nm) and CNS and autonomic ganglia(Nn)
2.Muscuranic Receptor
M1,M4,M5- CNS
M3-glands and smooth muscles
M2- heart
M1-also on autonomic ganglia
M1,M3,M5-Increase IP3,DAG-- increase Ca2+
M2,M4-decrease cAMP---increase K+
Nor Epinephrine(NE) and Epinephrine(E)
- most sympathetic postganglionic endings(NE)
- Epinephrine is methyl derivative of NE
- NE and E - Adrenal Medulla
- E is not in sympathetic postganglionic endings
1.Alpha Adrenoreceptors (GPCR)
Alpha1-heart , smooth muscles ---increase IP3, DAG--decrease K+
Alpha2-CNS,pancreatic islets nerve terminals-- decrease cAMP-- decrease Ca++, increase K+
2.Beta Adrenoreceptors(GPCR--increase cAMP, decrease K+)
Beta 1- heart, JG cells
Beta 2-Bronchial , vascular smooth muscles
Beta 3-adipose tissue
- both excitatory and inhibitory
- binds to NMDAR to make it more sensitive to Glutamate
- Glycine mediates direct inhibition in the brainstem and spinal cord -- increase Chloride
- Antagonist-- Strychnine
- there 3 kinds of neurons in spinal cord that mediate inhibition-- release GABA, release Glycine , release both.
- nigrostriatal pathway
- mesocortical system- reward behavior and addiction in psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia.
1. D1 like-- D1 and D5 (increase cAMP)
2. D2 like--D2, D3,D4(decrease cAMP)
Serotonin(5HT- 5 Hydroxy Tryptamine)
- blood platelets, Gastro intestinal tract(enterochromaffin cells and myenteric plexus)
- midline raphe nuclei-project to hypothalamus, limbic system, neocortex, cerebellum, spinal cord.
- Receptors except 5-HT3 are GPCR
- 5-HT3 present in GI tract and Area Postrema
- 5-HT4 present in GI tract - secretion and peristalsis.
N0(Nitric Oxide)
- secreated by endothelium of blood vessels- Endothelium Derived Relaxing Factor(EDRF) Arginine------>NO
- activates Guanylyl Cyclase
- not stored in vesicles
- involved in synaptic plasticity
CO(Carbon monoxide)
- diffusible gas
- formed in CNS neurons and entire nervous system via degradation of heme by heme oxygenase.
- can be intracellular messenger like NO.
- role in olfaction, pain, long term potentiation.
- endotoxin induced arginine vasopressin release.
Neuropeptide Y
- Brain and ANS
- GPCR---> inhibit adenyl cyclase, increase Ca++
- increases food intake, periphery vasoconstriction
- acts on postganglionic sympathetic nerve to reduce the release of NE
- Receptor in various parts of the brain.
- Growth hormone inhibiting hormone(GHIH) in Hypothalamus, pancreas -inhibit insulin
- All GPCR ---> inhibit adenyl cyclase
Substance P
- Receptors -- Neurokinin Receptors NK1-NK3
- all GPCR
- Substance P is mediator at first synapse in pain transmission pathway in dorsal horn
- in nigrostriatal pathway also
Opioid Peptides
- Brain and GI tract contains receptors that bind morphine.
- Enkephalins in nerve endings and GI tract and brain and function as synaptic transmitters.
- found in substantia gelatinosa .
- Receptors - mu, kappa, delta (all are GPCR -- inhibit adenyl cyclase)
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