About Me

 Holla !

My name is Nishant Garg.
I am a 2nd Year MBBS student at Maulana Azad Medical College, Delhi, India.
I have observed lack of reliable medical information on the internet, these days.
Therefore I will be trying to provide you with trusted medical facts, procedures, diseases, Basic Life support ,etc., to the best of my knowledge.
The text will be supplemented with easy to understand diagrams and flowcharts.
The information provided will be beneficial to the science students around the globe as well as the general public.
Although the articles will be lucid enough, however, if you have any queries or run into any problems do not worry!

I will be here to give you one-on-one help, shoot me an email at 6.141.nishant.2019@gmail.com . 

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Happy Reading !!

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